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It has been pointed out to me that describing the deaths of the Wèi Emperors as "early" is potentially misleading, as there are many, many more Emperors who died of illness at even younger ages, to the point that Emperors Wén and Míng could be said to be relatively long lived in comparison. Therefore, please understand that the use of "early" in this article is meant to mean "unexpected," in reference to the common historiography judgment that the Wèi-Jìn transition was heavily influenced by the unexpected deaths of Wén and Míng. It is not to be understood as referring to their absolute ages.

I would also like to clarify that the diabetes theory has been put forward by many, many others over the years, and that my lack of an explicit citation was meant to refer to the commonality of the idea, not to claim originality. In general, do not assume that anything I say is original. If in the future I ever claim that I came up with an idea myself, I will do so explicitly.

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